Centralized Scheduling: 804-266-9616
After Hours (after 5pm) Nurse Line: 804-257-5335

Practice Updates

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Meet Our New Doctor

Laura J. Goradia, M.D.
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Welcome to our redesigned website.

The new site was redesigned with you in mind to be easier to navigate, provide access to forms and articles and keep you up-to-date.
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Meet Our New Nurse Practitioner

Meagan Dowling, CPNP
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Respiratory Viruses and Young Children

Young children, particularly infants, have immune systems that are still developing.  In addition, their lungs and airways are smaller, making viruses that affect airways more ...
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Health Alerts: AAP Recalls on Furniture and toys

Health Alerts: Furniture restraint kits, bike helmets, magnetic balls and more
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How to Protect Your Children During a Measles Outbreak

Recent measles outbreaks have many parents concerned. Most of the people who have gotten sick were not vaccinated against measles.
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